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The Triple Bottom Line bears Fruit



Look how healthy and happy our site operatives are! Having learned from the RTE report that Ireland is not eating its five-a-day, we’ve introduced a diet intervention: now we deliver fruit right to the sites!

Five-a-day refers to the nutritional recommendation to consume at least five portions of fruit or vegetables each day. Although a majority of Irish population know about the recommendation, a mere 1/3 are following it.

Why do we think it’s so important?

World Health Organisation reports that more than 2.6 million of deaths worldwide are related to insufficient fruit and vegetable intake. Regular and sufficient (around 600 g per day) consumption of fresh fruit helps lower the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimers disease, cataracts and some other disorders associated with aging. Increased fruit and vegetables intake could reduce the total worldwide burden of disease by 1.8% (WHO).

Health and wellness promotion and disease prevention help to reduce the global burden of disease and thereby the burden on the Irish healthcare system. Our dietary intervention is aimed both at increasing productivity, preventing the discomfort and costs of becoming sick, and as such feeds into the economic and social elements of sustainability – The Triple Bottom Line.

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